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Of Embassies and Origins - Justice League International Part 2 (Eaglemoss Collection v77)

  Review: Since we are doing a series of reviews focusing on Booster Gold over his nearly 40-year history, we include this one as a collection of some of his earliest appearances, dating to late 1987. That places the original publish date of these tales while his original solo series was still going strong.  This book is a beautiful, glossy hard-cover with smooth and heavy-stock paper inside, although the sometimes-low print reproduction quality leads to blurred and hard to read word balloons on occasion. It is also a rare book here in North America, as Eaglemoss Collections targeted UK fans with this series. At this point in the history of the 1987-rebooted Justice League, they have gained official United Nations recognition and sanction. To ensure their reach truly is global, they rebrand as Justice League International (as does the title of the series!) and they open new headquarters buildings around the world: New York, Paris and Moscow are included here. As this is a product of 19

Beyond Incredible - Indestructible Hulk 1: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Cover of Indestructible Hulk, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.


With his tweaking of the delicate Banner / Hulk balance, Mark Waid has launched an exciting new chapter in the life of the Green Guy. The first five issues collected here are very promising, some of the most entertaining Hulk stories I've ever seen.

The conceit has always been puzzling: mild but brilliant Bruce Banner gets angry; the big green hulk-shaped force of nature then emerges to wreak havoc. It feels fun but limiting, with an almost schizophrenic mental division and a trigger with many possible control techniques, from meditation to medication. Yet it's lasted into the high hundreds of issues.

In Waid's hands, Banner can monitor and self-regulate to produce a, say, 95% control success rate. But he knows and now accepts that Hulk cannot stay forever suppressed. So, he trades the carnage to S.H.I.E.L.D. in exchange for a well-funded lab in which to make a difference with his brilliance. It's a deal director Hill gladly accepts, and she finds ways to aim Hulk as a Weapon of Mass Destruction at their targets and enemies. Including, in these initial tales, the Quadronic Man and Attuma on his quest to conquer Atlantis and destroy the surface dwellers, using the pejorative "Air gulpers" - love it! There are some narrative gaps in the action sequences, but the human side of Banner is solid. Waid is clearly setting up some very intriguing relationships with future possibilities.

Leinil Francis Yu does some jaw-dropping work in these pages. Hulk's sheer bulk, raw power, focused intensity and near indestructability shine through in his pencils. Everything from facial subtleties to panel shape and flow works brilliantly. Do take time to linger over these images, they are inspired!

The Hulk titles have rarely been more entertaining to read. Highly recommended!


The Incredible Hulk - an indestructible force of nature, more weapon than man. Bruce Banner - the Hulk's human alter ego and smartest man alive. Combined they are the most powerful, most intelligent weapon on the planet - and now they're both working for the government as Marvel NOW! makes the Hulk an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.! Taking on deadly threats including the Mad Thinker, the Quintronic Man and Attuma, Hulk goes from walking W.M.D to world saver. But even when playing the hero, the Green Goliath is going to do what he does best...

Collects: Issues #1-5

Authors: Mark Waid
Artists: Leinil Francis Yu
Published By: Marvel 
Published When: Jan. 1 2014
Parental Rating: Teen+
ISBN: 978-0785166474


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