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Of Embassies and Origins - Justice League International Part 2 (Eaglemoss Collection v77)

  Review: Since we are doing a series of reviews focusing on Booster Gold over his nearly 40-year history, we include this one as a collection of some of his earliest appearances, dating to late 1987. That places the original publish date of these tales while his original solo series was still going strong.  This book is a beautiful, glossy hard-cover with smooth and heavy-stock paper inside, although the sometimes-low print reproduction quality leads to blurred and hard to read word balloons on occasion. It is also a rare book here in North America, as Eaglemoss Collections targeted UK fans with this series. At this point in the history of the 1987-rebooted Justice League, they have gained official United Nations recognition and sanction. To ensure their reach truly is global, they rebrand as Justice League International (as does the title of the series!) and they open new headquarters buildings around the world: New York, Paris and Moscow are included here. As this is a product of 19

Which is the True Superman? Superman Action Comics vol 8: Truth


Cover of Action Comics vol 8


When Grant Morrison rebooted Superman at the start of the New 52, it was a throwback to the classic description; he did not fly, but could leap over tall buildings; he traded in the tights for a jeans-and-T-shirt look with sensible footwear. Post-Morrison, the near-omnipotent Man of Steel returned. Now, in the Truth story spanning all Superman titles, he is reinvented again. His mighty powers are largely gone, or significantly reduced; his secret identity has been revealed. He returns to the jeans and T-shirt look, but what is missing now is the fun, intrigue, and sheer joy of those early reboot issues.

Sadly, these 'Truth' tales suffer from the same affliction as the related stories in the sister titles (Superman, Superman/Wonder Woman and more). Namely: this Clark Kent is so different from the classic traits as to be unrecognizable, and his anger and vigilantism quickly grow tiresome.

In credit to Greg Pak, the 'Truth' tales in this collection are coherent and complete. No need to track down all the sister titles to follow the cross-over. If only he could find a way to make us care for this annoying and unlikeable Superman.

The art is as brutal as the vigilante justice. As Superman battles Wrath and her Shadow Monsters, the creeping strands and distortions of human form are vivid and disgusting. Yet Aaron Kuder and his crew of seven other artists mix in a few candy colored reprieves, to give a breather to our assaulted senses.

Despite the best efforts of Pak and Kuder, the 'Truth' tales remain, in the eyes of this reviewer, among the least interesting Superman stories I have ever read.


Superman’s secret identity has been revealed and his powers are failing him, but not even that can stop the Man of Steel from protecting the innocent when a mysterious shadow monster appears in Metropolis.

But the biggest threat Clark Kent faces when he returns home comes from the people he once called his friends and neighbors. While some still stand by him, others—including the Metropolis police department—are fearful and angry…too angry.

Is this just a reaction to Superman’s deception, or is there something more insidious infecting the people of Metropolis? Clark knows he needs to regain their trust, but in his weakened state, can he even survive long enough to try?

Storytellers Greg Pak (BATMAN/SUPERMAN) and Aaron Kuder (GREEN LANTERN: NEW GUARDIANS) unleash an unstoppable force on an underpowered Superman, with help from artists Scott Kolins (JUSTICE LEAGUE 3001) and Georges Jeanty (BATWOMAN) and more!

Collects: issues #41-47 and DC SNEAK PEEK: ACTION COMICS #1

Authors: Greg Pak, Aaron Kuder
Artists: Aaron Kuder, Howard Porter, Scott Kolins, Georges Jeanty
Published By: DC Comics
Published When: Dec 27 2016
Parental Rating: Teen+
ISBN: 978-1401269203


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